Friday, February 27, 2015

Question 1 Green Living

Question 1 Revision: Green Living
            It is with no surprise that the world today is suffering from conflicts relating to keeping the environment healthy and free from contamination. Many of these problems revolve around global warming, water and air pollution, deforestation, and many more natural disasters that are caused by human activity. This can all be prevented by choosing to “go green” and make smart decisions to limit the use of natural resources that will keep our environment vigorous and in a healthy shape. Maintaining a green environment will improve the society and take a great impact on the people who live in it. As a community, people strive for the better of it, therefore people should work together to accomplish a successful and positive change in their environment.
            Government officials and law makers have the power in their hands to adopt a change in the environment and possibly convince the people that there must be a change so their environment stays as healthy as possible. Knowing the fact that millions of people in America consistently drive day in and day out on an everyday basis, they can adopt a new sufficient way of driving that won’t harm the environment. These cars exert destructive gases into the environment which contaminates the air we breathe. For example, those heavy loaded trailer trucks need lots of gas for their long trip where their let out unwanted substances into the air. Therefore, a commuter can make a change to what kind of vehicle he or she drives. Countries like Singapore have shown that they’ve came up with and effective way to be eco-friendly and make it upon their population to contribute. The Singaporean government puts out taxes on car buyers for their “high powered, gas-guzzling engines,” but offers rebates to those drivers who “opt for hybrids” (Source B). Now, it is just up to the policymakers of the U.S to take into consideration and learn beneficial ideas from other nations. It is pronounced to be a prolonged conservation of natural resources.
            We the people are also significant to a change in the environment, striving for a healthier plant. Society has the ability to take control and be aware of the good and the bad surrounding their beloved community and the environment they live in. It is in our hands to raise awareness of the problems and possible solutions that will enable us to a greater change in the world we live in. Going green should in everyone’s mentality and make it a part of an everyday basis to keep the environment clean and free from disaster. Most people are seen around their community taking part in making it a better place to live in by eliminating the act of pollution, which creates the streets into a big dump. As it is said in Source E, countries like the U.S, China, Russia, and Japan, rigorously exert an abundant amount of gas emissions, so they hypothetically should be involved in restoring a healthy environment. The graph proves that America’s people willfully take part in recycling items in which it generates an eco-friendly environment. Individual action is also needed and can easily be done without stepping a foot out your house. It is important to conserve as much energy as possible when using electronic products. It isn’t hard to power off your T.V or place your computer on standby when it’s not in use (Source F). If every individual acknowledges the conservation of energy and complete this effortless task, it will make a great impact on society and its environment.

            If the government wants to maintain a strong aspect to going green, they must implement strong measures on the people. The economy is both put on the positive as well as the negative side in the perspective of citizens who enable the green living. Citizens point out that if a turning point on the world must be established, the companies are the ones who hold out grudges on the environment because they “shoulder the financial burden of unsure investments,” or “going green eats up time for productivity” (Source A). This isn’t necessarily true because step by step, can significantly result in a positive conclusion, where society and business can deeply benefit from. Taking your own time to help the environment with deeds like recycling and keeping the streets clean benefits one another.