Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Nuclear Power

Nuclear Power
            In the world today, many of the natural resources that are being used for energy are being consumed at quick rate. Whether these resources diminish or not, America will be in need to seek an alternative energy source to generate electricity for heat and light. The answer to this energy based crisis is the use of nuclear energy power plants. Although many believe that the use nuclear power is risky and unreliable because it can cause harmful accidents in power plants, they don’t realize that our modern technology can strive for a safe and precautious use. Its production of small amounts of nuclear fuel makes it an efficient and long lasting investment. There is no doubt that nuclear energy will have its pros and cons, but it will strive for a huge success in American society as a good alternative source.
            In most cases, people question the adoption of nuclear energy in their regions because of safety concerns regarding accidents. Many of them are aware of the horrific nuclear disaster that took place in Fukushima, Japan; therefore they don’t want a similar disaster to occur in their country. As a result of this accident, the government can acknowledge the lessons learned from this disaster and set safety regulations to prevent another disaster. First of all, it will be necessary to” adopt risk-informed regulations, strengthen management systems so that such decisions made are based on safety, and assess information on risks posed by natural hazards” (Encyclopedia Britannica). With these three basic rules implied by the governmental force, the use of nuclear power will be a safer and more guaranteed procedure for society itself. This doesn’t mean that nuclear energy will be perfect, because every energy source has its ups and downs; it just signifies that it will be regulated at its most sincere manner.
            Aside from the other sources of energy, nuclear power has certain advantages that will be more productive in the near future. We don’t want our energy to vanish, or else this means no electricity. Therefore we need other and more productive energy sources that will get the best out of our investment. For instance, if we use limited amount of less fossil fuels, such as coal, it lower the emission of greenhouse gases. Since the fossil fuels consumption rate is greater than its production rate, the resources will be reduced and the prices will tend to rise which may become inaccessible for the population. If the use of coal and oil is reduced, it serves as a change to stop global warming and its disastrous effects. Knowing that they emit carbon dioxide into the earth’s atmosphere, causing climate change, the use of nuclear power plants reduces that emission.
            If the nuclear plants used today depended on such fossil fuels, it is said to produce about 2 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide. Those properly functioned power plants release less unwanted substances into the earth’s atmosphere than those functioned by coal. Through nuclear fission, it produces about a million times more energy per unit than fossil fuels. Less uranium is needed to produce the same amount of energy used in fossil fuels like coal and oil.

 "Nuclear Power." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. 16 Mar. 2015. <http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/421749/nuclear-power>
            "Advantages and Disadvantages of Nuclear Energy." LoveToKnow. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Mar. 2015. <http://greenliving.lovetoknow.com/Advantages_and_Disadvantages_of_Nuclear_Energy>.
Brain, Marshall, and Robert Lamb. "How Nuclear Power Works." HowStuffWorks. HowStuffWorks.com, n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2015. <http://science.howstuffworks.com/nuclear-power4.htm>.
"Nuclear Energy." Advantages and Disadvantages of Nuclear Power. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Mar. 2015. <http://nuclear-energy.net/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-nuclear-energy.html>.


Friday, February 27, 2015

Question 1 Green Living

Question 1 Revision: Green Living
            It is with no surprise that the world today is suffering from conflicts relating to keeping the environment healthy and free from contamination. Many of these problems revolve around global warming, water and air pollution, deforestation, and many more natural disasters that are caused by human activity. This can all be prevented by choosing to “go green” and make smart decisions to limit the use of natural resources that will keep our environment vigorous and in a healthy shape. Maintaining a green environment will improve the society and take a great impact on the people who live in it. As a community, people strive for the better of it, therefore people should work together to accomplish a successful and positive change in their environment.
            Government officials and law makers have the power in their hands to adopt a change in the environment and possibly convince the people that there must be a change so their environment stays as healthy as possible. Knowing the fact that millions of people in America consistently drive day in and day out on an everyday basis, they can adopt a new sufficient way of driving that won’t harm the environment. These cars exert destructive gases into the environment which contaminates the air we breathe. For example, those heavy loaded trailer trucks need lots of gas for their long trip where their let out unwanted substances into the air. Therefore, a commuter can make a change to what kind of vehicle he or she drives. Countries like Singapore have shown that they’ve came up with and effective way to be eco-friendly and make it upon their population to contribute. The Singaporean government puts out taxes on car buyers for their “high powered, gas-guzzling engines,” but offers rebates to those drivers who “opt for hybrids” (Source B). Now, it is just up to the policymakers of the U.S to take into consideration and learn beneficial ideas from other nations. It is pronounced to be a prolonged conservation of natural resources.
            We the people are also significant to a change in the environment, striving for a healthier plant. Society has the ability to take control and be aware of the good and the bad surrounding their beloved community and the environment they live in. It is in our hands to raise awareness of the problems and possible solutions that will enable us to a greater change in the world we live in. Going green should in everyone’s mentality and make it a part of an everyday basis to keep the environment clean and free from disaster. Most people are seen around their community taking part in making it a better place to live in by eliminating the act of pollution, which creates the streets into a big dump. As it is said in Source E, countries like the U.S, China, Russia, and Japan, rigorously exert an abundant amount of gas emissions, so they hypothetically should be involved in restoring a healthy environment. The graph proves that America’s people willfully take part in recycling items in which it generates an eco-friendly environment. Individual action is also needed and can easily be done without stepping a foot out your house. It is important to conserve as much energy as possible when using electronic products. It isn’t hard to power off your T.V or place your computer on standby when it’s not in use (Source F). If every individual acknowledges the conservation of energy and complete this effortless task, it will make a great impact on society and its environment.

            If the government wants to maintain a strong aspect to going green, they must implement strong measures on the people. The economy is both put on the positive as well as the negative side in the perspective of citizens who enable the green living. Citizens point out that if a turning point on the world must be established, the companies are the ones who hold out grudges on the environment because they “shoulder the financial burden of unsure investments,” or “going green eats up time for productivity” (Source A). This isn’t necessarily true because step by step, can significantly result in a positive conclusion, where society and business can deeply benefit from. Taking your own time to help the environment with deeds like recycling and keeping the streets clean benefits one another.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Sherry Turkle Virtual Selves essay (1500 words)

Virtual Selves Essay
            Nowadays, technology is an essential part of many people’s lives because it allows them to use their devices and communicate with others in their distinct manner. In most people’s minds, technology has many advantages and disadvantages because it allows the person to commit any unnecessary actions towards others via social media. Technology influences others to be stuck on their electronic devices such as their cellphones and computers for hours and hours rather than going out and exploring their real world doing something productive for themselves. The most common way for teens to take advantage of the technological expertise is by texting their friends or going on social media websites and spending most of their time there.  In Sherry Turkle’s essay, “Can You Hear Me Now?” she mentions how the communication devices of the modern world are meant to keep us connected, but instead people are attached to their constant messages with their peers that no time is used to engage with the world around them. Technology has allowed people to explore a world in their virtual lives rather than in the real world. Some young adults are highly interacted with a life in the internet creating such avatars that let them live a virtual life rather than expressing their real self to real people and those around them.
            The teenage life these days revolves around the most important thing any teen has possession of, their cellphones. They can’t stand a chance or even imagine a moment without their cellphone because their social time would be interfered with. In most cases, you will witness most individuals checking their Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram to keep up with trending stories. During school hours, especially during class time, they would been seen going on their social media apps and most commonly texting fellow peers because it is to their extent a daily routine, no matter the occasion, but are fully aware of the consequences. Even though plenty, if not all high schools strictly enforce the no electronics rule, most students ignore that because it is unlawful to them not to have their cellphones each and everyday in their possession. In Sherry Turkle’s talk video, “Connected, but Alone,” she emphasizes the fact that the technological devices we possess are so powerful and have lots of attraction to us people, that they can change who we are and have the power to control us. This is in fact true because some people like to be followers of what they see online and like to express themselves based on other’s actions instead of expressing their real self and who they really are.
            For the reason that cellphones have the power to attract one another, most people have in mind that they would prefer to text each other rather than have a real face to face conversation. This theme, “I’d rather text than talk,” could be applied to the teens these days because texting is the # 1 thing they love to do because it acts as a manner of talking and communicating to their friends faster without having to physically do it. Another way Sherry Turkle exemplifies the cellphone use or other technological device that has impacted people’s lives is that some people feel that they are alone, have no one to talk to, or no one listens or pays attention to them so they feel that technology will always listen to them and do whatever their told, therefore they don’t feel an act of loneliness. They find their own way to satisfy themselves, if not socially with other people, then electronically with a machine.
            Some people who in the most part have cases of lonely sensations, might create a virtual life that bases them off of an internet life in which they are able to do most things that can also be done in the real world, but don’t have access to any form of companionship with another person. To have a feeling of living a life that they would’ve much rather had, they create this computer based program that allows them to freely do as they desire. According Sherry Turkle’s essay “Can You Hear Me Now?” she concludes that much of those people who find themselves lonely, and enjoy an online life, it’s easier for them to express themselves in a better way and gain a sincere companionship with another electronic person.
            Most of us people have in account that technology is one the top basis of our lives in the matter that it has impacted most of our lives. This could come into conclusion that our society expects more from technology than we do for ourselves and an illusion of companionship rather than friendship (Sherry Turkle). All of these themes have a connection because they draw in the idea of electronic devices as a basis of necessity in most teenagers’ life, as it comes to a concluding fact that they can’t live without it. They rather have their cellphone as their companion, in which the share most of their life with, rather than spend time with their true friend in which they can share and express their feelings and whatever is on their mind in a friendship like manner.

            In a sense of the internet’s social media sites, where lots of high school students as well those in college spent their time on, plenty of things can go wrong with some senseless actions that people are accounted for. Some people think that whatever goes on on Facebook stays there, but for the most part they are wrong. It can easily be spread without you noticing and can result in severe consequences. With the use of this site, they take advantage of committing cyber-bullying against someone they dislike instead of being exposed at school. Or also a common way of expressing themselves is through the posting of pictures where they might post inappropriate things like possession of weapons or drugs. Knowing that this can be spread very quickly, it can result in school suspension or face criminal charges. School staff could find ways into checking student’s profile, which catches them up with improper behavior and illegal actions. Boundaries should be set for administrators should limit the act of going into people’s private spaces because it everyone needs their privacy. Whereas, adults see these sites as a place where kids put their futures at risk. Colleges take the behavior of students inside and outside of school very serious as to what they do in regard to their postings in social media sites. 

Descriptive essay

Winter Break Descriptive Essay
            Have you ever experienced a wonderful getaway at the beach with friends and family? It is with no doubt a relaxing and peaceful moment one could ever experience in their life. I like to see it as a time of happiness where you let yourself go and feel free to course around to the calming waters and its glamorous waves. It is a wonderful sensation to perceive the soothing sound of the beautiful waves as you trout around the soft, but sizzling sand. You start encountering burning sensations on your sensitive foot, but then here comes the refreshing water to eject that feeling, soothe, and relax your foot.
            It was a Tuesday morning where I woke up to the sound of the birds chirping and hearing those annoying vehicles driving through a busy road. My apartment was filled with lots of noise coming from the neighbor’s kid’s screams and shouts while playing outside. Since it was winter break, my family and I decided we wanted to leave sight of the house, where we’ve been at most of our time during this vacation. We decided we shall visit a calm and relaxing place so we came upon Santa Monica Beach and it’s relishing Pier. The moment I stepped out the door I knew it was a perfect time to head to the beach. It was a sunny and bright morning where you can feel the warm gleams of the sun shoot right through your body that it makes you shiver from how warm its rays are.
            Knowing it was a busy day, I knew that the bus ride was going to be crammed full of people. It was as we expected, all seats were full and we were dammed because it was going to be a long ride. I made it an enjoying start of a trip for myself because I witnessed every sight of the streets that surrounded me looking at the busy streets of Santa Monica and the people that were touring around it. There were plenty of people enjoying their time walking in and out of stores and eating at their most beloved restaurant. It was one pleasant cruise as I waited to arrive at my destination, where my family and I will enjoy our visit.
            The door of the bus opened at our stop and it was one very virtuous sensation. I could feel the fresh, cool breeze strike and puncture my warm body as I was one step closer to reaching the beautiful beach. It was an amazing view from the streets because you are able to witness an overview of the whole beach itself. The people roaming the streets were ready to dive into the beach with their boogie boards in hand and go as deep as possible. With a sight up into the sky, you can see the vast number of white seagulls with their enormously long yellow beak and find their next victim to take their food from and make their visit hell.
            We walked along the warm, but soft sand in search for a comfortable place to settle and enjoy the glamorous view of the water and its ravishing waves. The moment I stepped into the water, I was very astonished by how wonderful the cold water felt. It was a moment where I felt like it was running and circulating my whole body, a sensation like if you were to jump into a tub of ice. The sound of the beautiful waves gave peace to my ears as I cruised around the ocean’s waters. An experience as if you were living heaven down on earth. The beach is just an incredible experience that is worth every moment spent on it; one that is unforgettable with all its pleasant memories. You are able to see all the other people that surround you who are also having and enjoying a time of their life with other friends and family filled with joy and peace that nature brings us.

            It was also a pleasant time walking up to the Pier and getting on their tremendous attractions filled with lots of screams and laughter that expresses happiness and joy among one another. It was the world famous Ferris Wheel that made it a wonderful time because it was a relaxing and peaceful moment where you get to spectate the fabulous view of the ocean and the entire city itself. Nature is one remarkable gift the world brings us and allows us to experience moments like these.