Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Locavore essay

Locavore Essay
            Over the past decade, the Locavore Movement has become a developing trend throughout the nation. Defined by people who eat locally grown and produced products, locavores focus on the benefits of eating these products. They include such things like its nutritional value and its sustainability. While starting a locavore movement, people should take into consideration the difference in nutrition from products being shipped and those locally grown, the effect on local and large businesses, also involving the economy, and how pollution to the environment can be avoided.
            A justifiable argument to begin a locavore movement is that locally grown products are fresh rather than those who are packed in boxes and shipped to markets. By the time of purchase, those fruits and vegetables have been on board for weeks. People may argue that those products have decreased in nutrition. Produce purchased in the supermarket have been cold-stored for weeks, while those in local farmers markets were harvested within 24 hours of a customer’s purchase (Source A). Even though the person isn’t malnourished, healthy choices are always better and they might purchase fresh products. These choices of consuming products with more nutrients are left on the hands of that person. Purchasing produce from supermarkets isn’t wrong and doesn’t mean it’s unhealthy. “There will be nutritional differences, but they’ll be marginal, and people are not nutrient deprived.” Consuming more nutrients from a locally grown product is beneficial, but it is not a necessity.
            People may argue that that the locavore movement can save the world and the environment. When you buy locally, it preserves fossil fuels used to transport produce from long distances. As more and more produce is being shipped, gasoline emissions are sent to the earth’s surface, where it creates pollution. Those bad chemicals swaying in thin air, affects the people living around that environment. Transportation emissions pale in comparison to those of production (Source D). Farm industries that send out that hazardous black smoke aren’t the farmers found in markets, instead the ones sending their products to the markets. The more people who take part in the locavore movement, those production industries will be forced to cut back.
            Locavores who take part in this movement improve the economy of local markets. Farmers benefit from people who choose to purchase from Farmers Markets instead of Supermarkets or big brand stores. Some people argue that buying locally affects people elsewhere such as Kenya (Source C). But others ignore that issue because they believe buying local products improves their economy.


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